Saturday 20 April 2013

<a href="" target="_blank">dress up games</a>

Sunday 8 May 2011

Talented Medoll Award - Lacyie!

Check out Stardoll user Lacyie's amazingly creepy sceneries!
Wow, there's definitely something very ominous about those dolls!
I think Lacyie has a great talent for scenery making and  I have no idea how she some how manages to make something seem so creepy yet so stylish!
Click on the images to enlarge them.
To vote 5/5 on these sceneries and check out more of her work click here!

This is a medoll I put together in around 3 minutes!
I didn't plan any of it ahead so it's far from perfect, but I still think it's cute. :]

My first medoll tutorial video!

just a look I threw together when I was testing out my screen camera!
More videos to come. :]